Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I love the little black capped Chickadees that come to my feeders.  They stay around all winter and happily sing away almost no matter how cold it is.  This winter, for some reason, I have had a number of occasions where a chickadee will flutter around one of the house windows, tapping and talking.  Not sure if they see their reflection, or maybe they are just so sick of winter, they want in where it's warm?  It's something I haven't seen them do before.

Monday, March 21, 2011

The baby of the house

Does someone need braces?
And maybe a good teeth cleaning?
But we still love her and she's quite adorable.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Can you say "Pampered Pooch"?

If there is a pillow or a blanket, Maisy is laying on it.  Does it look like this pillow belongs to her and only her?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Try try again

I am going to make an attempt to continue with my blog - maybe a picture a day was ambitious.  I have found it especially hard during winter to find inspiration!  Anyway, I'll post when I can - at least weekly?
I have discovered textures and the above photograph was altered in photoshop using a free texture I downloaded.  The first picture is my original, straight out of the camera, the 2nd one is cropped, textured and titled.  I think I could create some neat art with these!!
Thanks for looking!