Sunday, October 16, 2011

More fall beauty!

Was on a road trip to Cochrane for soccer yesterday.  Haven't driven that way in many years - the city has grown so far out that way, but there is still some beautiful country out there.  One of the things I love about the Calgary area is the many different landscapes - farm land, rolling hills, trees and the mountains - it's all here.  I only had time to stop for some quick shots, but played in photoshop to try to make it more dramatic.  I'll post the before (straight out of the camera) and the after (photoshopped).

Thanks for looking, friends!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Vintage look?

I found a blog that had an article showing how to alter a photo in PS to make it look "vintage".  Thought I'd try it on these train cars - what do you think???

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Perfect Fall Friday

A few pictures from the beautiful day we had yesterday.  Mostly just a little color boost in PS and added texture for fun to a couple!  Feedback welcome!

I will post more soon!
Thanks for looking.