Sunday, May 30, 2010

I got down on my tummy on the grass today to take these shots - thought for sure I'd be wet after all the rain we've had the last few days, but suprisingly, it was already fairly dry. I did however, have my friendly cat Sassy climb on my back and sit there comfortably purring! The sun even came out for a little while! But we are back to rain showers again - hopefully later this week we'll get the warm weather we have been promised.

I wanted to take these shots of dandelions gone to seed as I am hoping that maybe I can crop a good one, do some Photoshop alterations and have a neat piece of art. I'm sure a macro lens would have been better, but I made do with my 18 - 55 mm. I shot this picture at 55mm, f5.6, ISO 400, 1/1250. I then cropped it. The black and white is cropped more than the original & I played with the grayscale of it. What do you think?

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