Thursday, September 30, 2010

Here Kitty, Kitty!

I was reading another blog that talked about putting your camera down low, on the floor, on the counter etc to take a picture from another angle.  I tried this one day & captured these pictures of one of our cats - she was wondering what I was doing!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A beautiful day for a drive and picnic in the foothills!

My hubby and I spontaneously decided to go for a drive in the foothills.  We picked the perfect day for it!  We have had a beautiful fall (finally making up for the crappy summer we had) and this was one of the nicest days yet!  The colors were absolutely amazing!

Monday, September 27, 2010

My beautiful daughter!

We went for a walk on the hill hoping to get a nice sunset picture, but the low lying clouds messed that up for me. Instead I took a few of my favorite "model"!  This picture has been photoshopped.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Fall colors on the lake

Finally some sunshine and blue sky to enjoy the fall colors that are starting to come out. After driving the kids to school one morning this week I noticed a fog floating on the lake, so I went home to get my camera and play. So here are my pictures plus some that I played with in Photoshop!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bieber Fever!

Last night, I was one of the lucky "girls" who got to go see JB, JBieb, Biebs, in concert. I would give it a 5 stars (out of 5) - probably not what I would go to if I didn't have a tween daughter, but it was still enjoyable! He's definitely a very talented young man, who seems to have been born with natural talent - they showed pictures of him playing the drums as a preschooler! Of course it doesn't hurt that he has a sweet baby face that makes all the tween and teen girls melt! If the music wasn't loud enough, the screaming girls were! And of course, the goal of the evening was to ensure they screamed at the loudest, highest pitch possible!! Every generation has their young male teen idol I suppose - the Beatles, Bay City Rollers, Leif Garrett, Shaun Cassidy, .....I have to wonder where the hysteria over the Jonas brothers has gone??? Maybe it's because they have reached the ripe old age of 18?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Rain rain go away........PLEASE!

Well, I think these pictures tell the story on their own. This is the view we've had from our windows lately! But the forecast calls for some sun and warmth by the end of the week...I can't wait! I can't remember ever going so long with so little sunshine!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

A new hobby

Have thought long and hard about getting a kayak - finally convinced Russ to go look with me. We ended up buying 2 kayaks & spent time on Lake Chestermere whenever we could. Of course it wasn't the greatest summer for this, but when we did get out there it was great! These were just taken with our little point and shoot.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Let's try this again!

It seemed that I had a very busy summer & I found it hard to keep up this blog - I decided now that it is fall and we are hopefully getting back to a routine, I'd like to try this again. I'm still trying to play with my camera - again, I'll be doing some reading and studying to refresh on what I have learned.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the summer.

These are pictures of the dock at our lake after a rain storm (one of many this summer); the sunset after the storm was awesome. This first photo I played with on PS.

We spent a glorious 5 days in the Shuswap in August with some good friends. On the way back from one of our trips up the lake, I played with some settings to see if I could get fun shots of the bright sun and the water splash behind the boat. Here are the best, with no editing yet.

Thanks for looking.