Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bieber Fever!

Last night, I was one of the lucky "girls" who got to go see JB, JBieb, Biebs, in concert. I would give it a 5 stars (out of 5) - probably not what I would go to if I didn't have a tween daughter, but it was still enjoyable! He's definitely a very talented young man, who seems to have been born with natural talent - they showed pictures of him playing the drums as a preschooler! Of course it doesn't hurt that he has a sweet baby face that makes all the tween and teen girls melt! If the music wasn't loud enough, the screaming girls were! And of course, the goal of the evening was to ensure they screamed at the loudest, highest pitch possible!! Every generation has their young male teen idol I suppose - the Beatles, Bay City Rollers, Leif Garrett, Shaun Cassidy, .....I have to wonder where the hysteria over the Jonas brothers has gone??? Maybe it's because they have reached the ripe old age of 18?

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