Saturday, September 11, 2010

Let's try this again!

It seemed that I had a very busy summer & I found it hard to keep up this blog - I decided now that it is fall and we are hopefully getting back to a routine, I'd like to try this again. I'm still trying to play with my camera - again, I'll be doing some reading and studying to refresh on what I have learned.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the summer.

These are pictures of the dock at our lake after a rain storm (one of many this summer); the sunset after the storm was awesome. This first photo I played with on PS.

We spent a glorious 5 days in the Shuswap in August with some good friends. On the way back from one of our trips up the lake, I played with some settings to see if I could get fun shots of the bright sun and the water splash behind the boat. Here are the best, with no editing yet.

Thanks for looking.

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog, will be watching it daily for the new photos. Have fun.
