Monday, June 28, 2010

Fresh from the Garden

Poppies in my garden...

I thought I'd take another try at a vegetable garden this year. I got it in a little late, so not sure how things will grow. I like growing radishes - they are super easy!! I looovee fresh radishes - nothing like right out of the garden with some salt ...mmmm. I guess if nothing else grows, at least I got these fresh radishes!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Cats everywhere!!!

These kittens are really starting to take over the back porch - now that they know we feed them, they come running as soon as we open the door! They are quite entertaining! This little black and white gal is my favorite. I find it so neat how these cats just lay on top of each other - all 7 of them are tangled up in the group picture!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Another rainy day in Alberta.....

I thought I'd try some unique rain shots - tricky to get what I wanted, but that is the learning process!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Bad Blogger!

Yes, I have been very bad at keeping up on this - that is exactly what I was afraid of when I started this. Life has been really crazy right now, so haven't been terribly good at keeping up on my pictures - but all I can do is my best!

I was downtown for an appointment so as I left the core, I made a point of stopping to take some photos. They turned out okay, not great, but I didn't have time to find a better spot to take more.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Handmade and finally finished!!

Made this tote bag a couple months ago, but had to finish hand sewing one seam on the inside. Finally got to it this week. I love this fabric - it's so fun and colorful - I had planned on making this bag from fabric I already had, but when I saw this pink and green fabric, I knew it would be perfect for this bag. And I knew the colors would be perfect for the young lady I made it for, my daughter, who also happens to love bags, anything she can put more stuff in!!!

Her favorite spot

Our mama cat, Sassy, loves to sit at my kitchen window. Sometimes its just to say hello, other times I think it's to get away from her kittens for a rest! Maybe today it was just to get out of the rain?

Monday, June 14, 2010!

One of the challenges I am finding in doing this blog is coming up with things that I can take a picture of every day! It is tough! I dare you to try it some time and find a variety of subjects - I mean how many pictures of my kids, pets, flowers, sunsets can you take? But this is the challenge of the daily photo I have taken on - this is where my creativity should work overtime. So, on this day I decided to take a picture of something I really love - coffee!! More specifically, my Keurig coffee maker. It makes me one cup at a time, so that I don't have to make a whole pot of coffee, which I was finding ended up going down the sink because I don't drink more than 2 cups a day usually. With the Keurig I get one fresh cup everytime I want it. It uses "k-cups" which are premeasured little coffee filters that you place in the machine, press brew and you get a fresh hot cup on demand. You can order the k-cups online or find them in stores (finding them in stores is hard as the variety is not there). There are many many different blends of coffee,tea and hot chocolate, but I have found my absolute favorite to be Timothy's Italian Blend, hence the picture of my k-cup!
I am not a huge coffee addict, I don't think, I don't drink pots and pots of it all day. Usually 2 cups at most. But I do consider my day incomplete if I don't get that cup of coffee. I find it to be more of a comfort thing for me - I don't enjoy my coffee as much if I can't sit & relax while drinking it. And drinking it in a pretty mug is just as important! Hence, the picture of my newest addition to my mug collection! I like to drink my coffee in a pretty cup!
So now you know a little bit more about me and I have rambled enough about my coffee. Cheers!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Well, we had a bit of summer this weekend. It was beautiful and we soaked it up big time! The kids and I battled the mosquitoes and went for a walk in the field to the dugout. It was a great day for taking photos and it was just so nice to be outside on a day that was definitely summer! Yes, I am way behind on my blog already, but what can I say, that's life!
I'm still learning this whole blog thing, so pardon me if my pictures are placed funny or the text is hard to follow...I'll get better!!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Just playing with some evening shots....

On this evening, I got out my tripod and figured I'd play a little with the vehicle lights going by on the highway. This is actually the view from the upstairs deck of my house, zoomed in of course. The Calgary Tower is on the left side, partially behind a tree and directly in the middle of the downtown skyline is the new building called the Bow, that is being built - the construction lights on that thing are amazingly bright as we can see them from Chestermere! Not sure how those who live downtown aren't blinded at night! And of course, behind the city skyline is our beautiful Rocky Mountains which I love at this time of night when they are silhouetted against a pink sky.
f/3.2, 8", ISO 400, shot at 300 mm.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Is that summer sinking in the west?

Summer finally showed up for a bit this weekend. That made it alot easier to get out and find some photo subjects. This is taken from my front yard, ISO 400, f/13, 1/60; some touchups done in CS4.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Dirty Dawg

This wet and rainy spring has made it really hard to keep my two WHITE dogs clean! This one is low to the ground, so it's not just her paws that get wet, but her belly usually too. And of course, down on the farm, there is lots of dirt/mud of which this particular white dog seems to like! What a mess!! Straight into the kennel to dry off! Looks like she had fun!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Spring Lilacs

It must be spring because the lilacs in our yard are blooming and smell wonderful! I couldn't resist trying to get photos of them - it was tough this evening as the wind was blowing a bit, so the blossoms were moving around.
Photo #1 was shot at f/5.6, 1/40, ISO 400; I cropped it & did some adjustments in CS4.
Photo #2 was shot at f/11, 1/8, ISO400; again I did some adjmustments in CS4.
I haven't been a very good blogger already! It's hard to always remember to get that photo a day in, but I guess that is the whole point of this blog. All I can do is my best! I will keep working at it.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Surprise Guests

I had some surprise visitors to my garden today. This little family of deer has been hanging around our place the last couple of months - I think in total there is 6 of them, although we don't always see all of them at one time. On this particular day they were very brave - especially the guy in the 2nd picture! He walked right up to my window and was looking right at me when I took this picture. They spent quite a bit of time in my garden - for the most part they weren't eating anything that worried me much - they do like the dandelions, which I have no problem with! But they do seem to like my shrubs so if they become a real nuisance, I'll have to do more than just take their picture! Shortly after these photos, they moved into another part of the yard and were extremely close to our patio and back door - the cat and the deer kept a very close eye on each other!!
Photo # 1 - f/6.3, 1/1000, ISO 400
Photo #2 - f/6.3, 1/100, ISO 400
Photo #3 - f/14, 1/100, ISO 400
All three pictures were touched up on PS3.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I hate when a good book comes to an end...

It would have been a good thing if this book lasted a little longer since I am laid up with my injured ankle. I picked this book off the shelf not knowing who the author was or having heard about this story, but the story sounded original and good, so I picked it up. It was a fantastic book that I will recommend to my reading friends - it was a sad topic, but written well & so full of interest that you never wanted to put it down. I have nothing waiting in the wings, so I guess I will have to get out to Chapters soon - I should make myself finish all the magazines I have sitting around before that, however.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I went out to play soccer with my daughter tonight and the end result was not good! I rolled my ankle, landed on the ground (taking my daughter with me)and had to limp into the house. So, I iced it right away and it felt better and I could walk by putting light weight on it, so I figured it was okay. When my husband came home, I told him what happened and as I showed him my ankle, started to say, "it's not swollen though, so that's good", but had to stop when I looked at my ankle which by that point looked like it had a tennis ball growing out the side!! Not sure if you can see it in the picture, but the left ankle is swollen. Now, 2 days later, it feels better & I can walk better, but my whole foot is swollen and i have bruising along the edge of my foot. It is hard to slow down & take care of it, which is probably why it is so swollen today. I wonder how long it will take before I can excercise again?