Monday, June 14, 2010!

One of the challenges I am finding in doing this blog is coming up with things that I can take a picture of every day! It is tough! I dare you to try it some time and find a variety of subjects - I mean how many pictures of my kids, pets, flowers, sunsets can you take? But this is the challenge of the daily photo I have taken on - this is where my creativity should work overtime. So, on this day I decided to take a picture of something I really love - coffee!! More specifically, my Keurig coffee maker. It makes me one cup at a time, so that I don't have to make a whole pot of coffee, which I was finding ended up going down the sink because I don't drink more than 2 cups a day usually. With the Keurig I get one fresh cup everytime I want it. It uses "k-cups" which are premeasured little coffee filters that you place in the machine, press brew and you get a fresh hot cup on demand. You can order the k-cups online or find them in stores (finding them in stores is hard as the variety is not there). There are many many different blends of coffee,tea and hot chocolate, but I have found my absolute favorite to be Timothy's Italian Blend, hence the picture of my k-cup!
I am not a huge coffee addict, I don't think, I don't drink pots and pots of it all day. Usually 2 cups at most. But I do consider my day incomplete if I don't get that cup of coffee. I find it to be more of a comfort thing for me - I don't enjoy my coffee as much if I can't sit & relax while drinking it. And drinking it in a pretty mug is just as important! Hence, the picture of my newest addition to my mug collection! I like to drink my coffee in a pretty cup!
So now you know a little bit more about me and I have rambled enough about my coffee. Cheers!

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